So I snagged some pictures of Noah while I swung through.

He found the sprinkler outside. Crazy duffer. Wouldn't come in from the cold.

These are my new quarters. Room's dinky, but the house is big.

Every good nerd leaves his computer to pack last. That way you can crank your tunes or whatnot. Notice the camera, day planner, and DS left for the end...
Wow! Great set-up, son. Your room here is better-lookin', if you ever get a minute to play. Love, Mom
Ah ha! this is where I should come to see pictures of my only nephew. Summer's blog is a joke--she never posts! And the last one was all about Becky Carter. Sheesh! How's Ogden? Are you coming for Freddie's blessing? We could give the others a great guilt trip if you and only you (okay, bring a couple friends if you must) showed up for Freddie's first significant life event. Please? It's only a 10 hour drive. We'll pitch in for gas!
Wowzers. You pay a ton less than me for a ton more, if you know what I mean...
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